Horse feeds at Gloucester based direct farm supplies

Horse feed

Horse feed in Gloucestershire

Direct farm supplies now sells horse feeds and supplements to horse owners and livery yards in Gloucestershire.

We stock  horse feeds from leading brands such as Allen & Page, Spillers and TopSpec, mollichaff & equerry.

we also sell chaffs and haylage bales such as Spillers happy hoof and top chop lite  from top spec.

If we don’t stock the horse feed you require we will probably be able to source it for you.

As well as horse feeds we also offer bedding materials to order.

Due to the vast range of horse feeds available it is not possible for us to keep all of them in stock. Please contact us with your requirements and we will happily give prices if we can.

View our range of stock items

All of the horse feeds on our website are usually in stock and are popular products.

We don’t have an own brand range of feeds made with cheap low quality ingredients so you can be assured you are getting horse feeds made with quality ingredients with nutritional advice available from most of the horse feed manufacturers

If you run a livery yard in Gloucester please contact us to see if we can offer you a bulk feed service delivered to your yard.